Sunday, December 11, 2011

Vocal fry

Vocal fry, or glottalization, is a low, staccato vibration during speech, produced by a slow fluttering of the vocal  chords: listen here

According to Science Now:

"A curious vocal pattern has crept into the speech of young adult women who speak American English: low, creaky vibrations, also called vocal fry. Pop singers, such as Britney Spears, slip vocal fry into their music as a way to reach low notes and add style. Now, a new study of young women in New York state shows that the same guttural vibration—once considered a speech disorder—has become a language fad.

Since the 1960s, vocal fry has been recognized as the lowest of the three vocal registers, which also include falsetto and modal—the usual speaking register."

Here's a full blown example:

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